Saturday, May 30, 2009


  1. Wilmar,15 is playing in a soccer camping with the possibility to go and play in Europe

  2. Please pray for his self-esteem, fear, insecurity

  3. He is orfan

  1. They come from broken families, drug addiction background, sexual abuse and satan uses all these to control their lives, emotions and behavior

  2. Pray for the teaching, that God can speak to them and bring the changes He wants in their lives

  3. Pray for deliverance from satan spirits that still controling them

  4. Pray for freedom for their emotions and minds

  5. Pray for restoration of their identity

  6. Pray for them to receive the forgiveness Christ offer and be able to offer forgiviness for those that made wrong against them

Jose Pablo is waiting on God

Please pray for Jose Pablo as he feels a desire to serve as a pastor and would like to prepare himself by studying in seminary. Pray that the Lord will provide financially so that he can begin his studies. Juan Guillermo Usuga has almost completed his 6 months of work at the boys’ farm as planned, and would like to work full-time with the youth in the church beginning in July. Please pray that this would be financially possible for him.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life changing experience

  1. Our girls from our daily program receive God's word every day
  2. Our girls are learning that they are important for God
  3. Our girls are learning that God has a big plan for their lives

Our girls are bringing their families to church

Redeem (the program for sexually exploited girls)- Please pray that we will be able to increase the number of girls attending our Patio program as required by the new contract, and that we will have the needed workers and volunteers to attend to the greater number. Please also pray that the Lord will give us strategies and wisdom so that we can help the girls stay at the home and that they will be able to overcome the temptations of the streets. Please also pray for a new home for the girls as the contract for the home they are currently in will be expiring soon at the end of June.

Boys' Farm

)- Please pray for obedience among the boys, that they will value the things and opportunities that they have, and that they will have self-love. Please also pray for spiritual discernment for both the boys and the educators. Please pray that the educators will have a special sensitivity and understanding of these boys as they seek to guide them.

Seeking the lost

Open Arms Church Update

Please pray for the spiritual and numerical growth of the cell groups for adults, youth and childrem, and for the development of leadership. Please also pray as we would like to start cell groups for the older youth so they can have edifying activities and healthy relationships not only on Sundays but also during the week. Please also be praying as we would like to send two of our youth to a special missionary training conference in December. Our Girls' Program did a dance presentation. They enjoy being part of the Church. Daniela's entire family came to church to visit her. Parents are coming to church because of their childrem are coming first.