Monday, August 17, 2009

God does miracles

Andres Montes is a deaf leader at Children' Church that God is raising him up and he is teaching Bible studies every week

Boys are sick, we pray, God heal and our faith increase

Taking the Gospel outside the Church

Every week boys and girls from Boys' Farm and Open Arms Church we take the Gospel into areas were no one wants to go, but God's Word is changing lives

Friday, August 14, 2009

Our home is God's home for daily prayer, teaching, counseling...

Once a Begger and now God's worshiper

This is a history of each one of us. One time was totally lost in sin, God tool him (OAF), touch the love of God and His people, it was not easy, but God didn't let him go and now JORGE ANDRES is a worship leader at God's house. Only God know the end from the beggining. PRAISE GOD!

Redeem (the program for sexually exploited girls)-

This is Kelly,14, she is one of the girls that is at our daily program

Please pray for additional workers as the number of girls and families has greatly increased with the opening of the new girls´ prevention program last month.
Please pray that the spiritual area of the Patio program will be strengthened, for wisdom and spiritual strength
for the workers, and for the families of our workers.
Please also pray that we may be able to reopen our girls´ home in God´s timing.


1.Our boys need more Skill training on bakery, garden, carpentry, computer

2.Please also pray that there will be more harmony among the boys, God gives them the Spirit of brotherhood and not competition

3.Please pray they will have a greater desire to study

4.Their desire for God be more them a desire for food

5. Almost every week some boy is delivered from a strong hold of a wrong life style, it can be from homesexuality, abuse, robbery, rebelion, please pray that they can fulfill themselves with the Holy Spitiry

6. All of our boys were abused (physical, sexual, emocinally,etc...) please that God can give them a heart that can forgive their abusers

7.Please pray for more resources for the boys—especially shoes for playing/sports.

8.Please pray for wisdom for the team at the farm, and that they will have more time to meet together for devotions.

9. Please pray for more volunteers at the farm—especially men

Boys’ Patio (level 1)

Juan Guillermo,14, doesn't know how to write or read. He is only one of many that still on the streets. We teach God's Word every day for them.
Please pray that the Lord will bring more street boys to the Patio between the ages of 7 and 13. Pray for donations of clothing for the boys. Please also pray that the Lord will continue to give strength to the educators so that they may continue to show the love of Christ to these needy children.